
  • louna
  • 정석2019.10.14 05:04152 조회0 좋아요
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6개월 안에 몸이 얼마나 달라질까?
I saw a post here on the community about someone who totally transformed without the need of a personal trainer (PT) in about 3 months.
Three months would be too tight for me but six months is doable. I already have a list of things I would love to try during this period :

🔸 Exercise🔸(first 3 months)
- 30 days Burpee challenge
- 30 days Lunge challenge
- 30 days to Pull-up challenge

These would then make the highlight of future basic workout routines.

- Stay on the range of 200kcal above my metabolic rate.
- Be more mindful of food choices.
- Stay hydrated.

Starting measurements :
Height : 167 cm
Weight : 74 kg

프사/닉네임 영역

  • louna
  • 다짐을 등록 하세요!

이전 다음글

게시글 목록

2014.07.28 배너 추가


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